Useful SaaS Apps For Individuals and Businesses
May 1, 2020 — The threat of COVID-19 will soon be ending, and we will soon go outside and be exposed again, but it doesn't mean we weren't busy bringing our ideas to life while in quarantine and probably, due to the fact that travel was limited, most time was spent at home, providing plenty of time to make ideas happen. While we had some major project completions during the quarantine, we were working on a few lighter projects including our fourth quarantine project, Pi Data App and Random Print Screen or Random Screenshot On Someone's Phone. Yes, it was a light project we found on Github and brought it to life.
While we are not sure if this is technically legal or not, it is a loophole to see what is on people's phones. There may or may not be sensitive information, but considering that is hosting over a billion images, the odds of you landing on anything important are pretty slim. You may find nudes or hot women taking photos of themselves in their bathrooms. You may even find a random dick pic because that is what people upload to their phones. We did not buy a domain for this and currently hosting it on our Bare Metal Host server. There are no plans to turn this into an actual domain any time soon nor are we officially listing this as one of our major or main projects because it was just a fun project to do and we did not even write it.
The only other project we did not write, but slightly modified was EctoChat which we also found on Github and asked for permission to use it and were granted access to make it our own. We do claim ownership of the Ectochat name, but not the actual script itself, despite modifications. There is some amazing code on Github that was only written for a sample, a test, or even a demo, or a project for school that will never be brought to any real light. Once in a while, we do come across these projects, and if they are miniscule, we will borrow them, and certainly give credit where it is due.
For now, enjoy this project we built. We take no responsibility or blame for anything that happens once you click the button. You may see things that may offend you. You may see things that are odd. YOu may see things that are even normal. For the most part, in our random click throughs, there were a lot of Russian websites and saved screenshots in Russian. This seems to be common but our code is choosing a completely random photo with every click. Unfortunately, as we have stated: with over a billion photos uploaded to, you may have to click at least a dozen times to find something "fun" or "entertaining".